Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The day I found out...

You turned 21 months old yesterday. I can't believe how quickly time has passed. You are such an amazing little boy. I hope that you read these letters one day and understand the depth of my love for you. I wanted to start by telling you about the day I found out I was pregnant with you.

I was supposed to have tubes put in my ears that morning. I would have had to be under general anesthesia so I wanted to take a pregnancy test to make sure we could still proceed. Daddy and I had been trying to have another baby and after miscarriages and lots of negative tests, we didn't expect much. Daddy wasn't even upstairs when I took the test. It is funny though, I had told Greg days earlier that I knew I was pregnant. He completely blew me off and said that it was way to early for me to know. I knew differently though.

The test turned positive so quickly. I didn't even have to wait the 3 or 5 minutes. It was instant. I just stared at myself in the mirror with the big smile on my face and thanked God for you and prayed that he would keep you safe. I went downstairs where Daddy was sitting. He knew that I was taking a pregnancy test but wasn't super eager to hear because he was sure it would be negative. When I told him, he was shocked. We held each other, cried, laughed, and overall freaked out. What had we gotten ourselves into?

We cooked up a plan to tell Ana and Packaw over brunch. They knew I was having surgery and wasn't supposed to be eating but Greg convinced them to meet us for brunch before the surgery because Haley really wanted to see them. We met at a little French cafe'. Before we ordered, we sat down and gave Ana and Packaw a card. The card had a baby on the cover and on the inside we congratulated them on the new grandchild they were going to have. They were elated. We had a great lunch and talked the whole time about details of possible due dates, gender, sibling rivalry, etc. It was great to have family to share it with.